Thank you for your input. Your email address and identity will be kept private. Answer only the questions you want. Name First Last Email How long have you lived in Dayton?Do you have children? If so...No, I'm single.No, but I'm married.Yes, they are older, out of school.Yes, they are in school in Rhea County.Yes, they go to school outside of Rhea County.Yes, they are young and haven't started school.Did you go to school in Rhea County?YesNoDuring your time in Dayton, what was the town's greatest accomplishment?If you were given a magic wand, what would you change in Dayton?What do you need most in Dayton?What do you dislike the most about Dayton?What keeps Dayton from being the best it can be?Where do the greatest opportunities exist to improve Dayton? What changes would you like to see?What does success look like from your perspective?What do you love about your community?What do you think should be done to create greater community vibrancy and economic growth?How can our arts and cultural assets support our communities vibrancy?What needs to change?What do people in our community need to feel positive about where they live?What makes you feel good about living here?What makes Dayton special? Δ